aviso de privacidad

Este mensaje y sus archivos adjuntos van dirigidos exclusivamente a su destinatario, pudiendo contener información confidencial sometida a secreto profesional. No está permitida su reproducción o distribución sin la autorización expresa de ALTHEA MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, S.L.. Si usted no es el destinatario final por favor elimínelo e infórmenos por esta vía. Le informamos que tratamos sus datos personales con la finalidad de realizar la gestión administrativa, contable y fiscal, así como enviarle comunicaciones comerciales sobre nuestros productos y/o servicios. Los datos proporcionados se conservarán mientras se mantenga la relación comercial o durante los años necesarios para cumplir con las obligaciones legales. Los datos no se cederán a terceros salvo en los casos en que exista una obligación legal. Asimismo, le informamos de la posibilidad de ejercer los siguientes derechos sobre sus datos personales: derecho de acceso, rectificación, supresión u olvido, limitación, oposición, portabilidad y a retirar el consentimiento prestado. Para ello podrá enviar un email a: administracion@altheams.com Además, el interesado puede dirigirse a la Autoridad de Control en materia de Protección de Datos competente para obtener información adicional o presentar una reclamación.


Legal disclaimer

These provisions regulate the access and use of the website service that ALTHEA MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SL makes available to Internet users through the domain www.altheams.com (hereinafter, the "website").

Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, provides that the provider of services of the information society shall be obliged to have the means to allow both the recipients of the service and the competent bodies, access by electronic means, permanently, easily, directly and free of charge, to the information detailed below:

Domain name: www.altheams.com

Owner: ALTHEA MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SL, a Spanish company, domiciled at Calle Eloy Gonzalo, 18, registered in the Commercial Register of Madrid Volume, Folio, Section 8 Sheet and CIF B88155106.

The use of the website attributes the condition of User and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The User must read this Legal Notice carefully each time he/she wishes to access the information contained in the website, as it may have undergone modifications.

Exemption from liability for the contents and services rendered.

ALTHEA MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SL, shall not be liable for damages of any kind that may arise from the availability and technical continuity of the website.

Intellectual property of the contents of the website

The texts and graphic elements (design, logos, source code and other similar) that make up the website and are disseminated through it, as well as its presentation and assembly, are the exclusive property of ALTHEA MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS SL,

Clients may reproduce the contents of the WEBSITE for the sole purpose of storing them, making back-up copies or putting them on paper for private use.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

This legal notice is governed by Spanish law, being subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Madrid for any dispute, claim or controversy about it.

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